
World’s most dangerous animals

“Animals are gifts from God,” they say; but not all animals are gifts to man. You may have been made to believe that sharks are the bloodiest animals while spiders are the most fear-inducing animals but sorry to say, when you go down the records of the deadliest animals, they are nowhere among the top seven. It is time to change your orientation as here are the list of the most dangerous animals in the world in no particular order

  1. Cape Buffalos
    Cape buffalos are about nine hundred thousand in number and are mostly found around the sub Saharan Africa. If left alone, you would realize that they are quite calm and mild animals as they give preference to traveling in groups to search for food early in the morning and late in the afternoon. You also could find them around the streams as they like being hydrated. Despite their simple life, if any of them gets attacked, they become very terrific and dangerous animals. It is said that they are solely responsible for the death of more hunters than any other animal in the world. This beast grows to about 6fts, weighs almost a ton and charges at its prey at about 35m/h. The worst of it all is that they don’t get to stop until they are done with their preys.

2. Tsetse Fly
This is the popularly claimed most dangerous fly. It is a small insect of about 8-17mm and is found in the sub-Saharan nations like Angola, the DRC, Sudan, etc. Aside from the known fact that these flies are bloodsucking insects, the protozoan they transmit around called Trypanosomes is the real deal, and that is why they are on this list. This Trypanosomes causes sleeping sickness which is brought to bear by meningoencephalitis and neurological symptoms like poor coordination, unstable sleeping cycle, change in behaviour, etc. if not treated in time, this disease can lead to untimely death. The worst of it all is that there are no medications or vaccines to manage it. The best you can do is to prevent it by not wearing very dark and bright colours that could attract them.

3. Cone Snail
The cone snail is mostly found inside the warm rivers around the tropics most especially the Indonesia, Hawaii and the Caribbean. They are magnificent in their white and brown marble shells. They are always found around the shallow parts of the sea nearest to the shore, beside the rock formation and coral reefs slightly beneath the sandy shoals. Despite how beautiful they are, you would not want to touch their gastropods, which serves as their teeth as it contains a very deadly venom called conotoxin. Beyond doubt, they are the most lethal snail in the world as if you get stung, the next thing to be done is to extract that venom as there is no antidote. If not, paralysis is set to come in no time as the poison hinders the nerve cells from interacting with other cells.

4. Black Mamba
While other species like the cobra or boomslang are relatively dangerous, the black maybe is the king of them all because not only is it dangerous, it is also very fast. Black mambas are located mostly in the rocky and savanna region of the eastern and southern Africa. This animal can grow to about 14fts, and despite its length, it is the fastest snake on planet earth with a speed of approximately 12.5m/hr; trust me, you have a very slim chance of survival. The good news, however, is that black Mambas do not attack until they are threatened and if they do, they do not stop biting until they have released enough neurotoxins and cardiotoxins. These toxins are enough to kill 10 individuals in a bite and if the necessary antidote is not given a victim is less than 20 mins, the consequence would be grave.

5. Mosquito
Although mosquitoes are about 3mm, they are attributed as the animal with the most human kills. With over 3 thousand species, this animal is said to carry different pathogens, causing diseases like malaria, encephalitis, yellow fever, elephantiasis, dengue fever, chikungunya, zika virus and many more. According to WHO, a more significant part of the world population is at risk to these diseases which is because they are attracted to the temperature of our body and the carbon dioxide we exhale. This animal is found in every part of the world save Antarctica, and the best way to deal with them is to use mosquito repellent rich with picaridin and DEET
These animals are hazardous and to prevent any complications, it is advisable you stay away from them. Do you agree with my list? If you have any question or additional statement, kindly drop them in the comment box below.


Written by Clara Kendall

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