
World’s most dangerous animals

5. Mosquito
Although mosquitoes are about 3mm, they are attributed as the animal with the most human kills. With over 3 thousand species, this animal is said to carry different pathogens, causing diseases like malaria, encephalitis, yellow fever, elephantiasis, dengue fever, chikungunya, zika virus and many more. According to WHO, a more significant part of the world population is at risk to these diseases which is because they are attracted to the temperature of our body and the carbon dioxide we exhale. This animal is found in every part of the world save Antarctica, and the best way to deal with them is to use mosquito repellent rich with picaridin and DEET
These animals are hazardous and to prevent any complications, it is advisable you stay away from them. Do you agree with my list? If you have any question or additional statement, kindly drop them in the comment box below.


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Written by Clara Kendall


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