- Potato plant: poisoning occurs when someone eats the green tubers or new sprouts of the potato plant due to containing Solanine. Solanine is a dangerous nerve toxin that is produced in any green part of the potato including the leaves, stem, and any green part of the potato. The leaves are also high in glycol-alkaloids, another deadly poison; so never eat potatoes that are spoilt or green below the skin. Always throw away the sprouts of potatoes that are green while potatoes whose sprouts are removed are safe to eat.
- Bitter almonds: sweet almonds maybe safe to eat but bitter almonds are not. Bitter almonds are wild almonds and contain 50 times more cyanide per kilogram than sweet almonds. According to the 2013 study in ISRN toxicology, eating 50 bitter almonds can be deadly. If you’ve been exposed to a small amount of cyanide, you may experience dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, rapid breathing and rapid heart rate.
- Ackee: ackee is a tropical fruit native to West Africa and is the national fruit of Jamaica where it is also known for its toxin content named hypoglycin A and B. Hypoglycin A is found in both the seeds and the skin while hypoglycin B is found only in the seeds. These toxin compounds are responsible for causing Ackee fruit toxicity or Jamaica vomiting sickness. The illness starts within 2-12 hours of consuming unripe ackee or its pods or seeds. Symptoms include vomiting, loss of consciousness, and seizures and can lead to death if there is no immediate supportive care. Therefore, when eating Ackee, one must wait until the fruits protective pods turn red and open naturally.
- Rhubarb leaves: rhubarb leaves contain a poisonous oxalic acid which is very harmful for any human body. Its stalks are only the eatable part which is used in many desserts or as an ingredient in many sweet dishes. If you consume its leaves, then, you may feel burning sensation in your mouth and throat as well as difficulty in breathing so people should be cautious while consuming rhubarb. Always cut and discard the leaves, leaving only the stalks for consumption
Top Foods you don’t know are poisonous
do you know these foods are poisonous?
