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Medical Conditions More Painful Than Childbirth

even childbirth is easier than these!

Although childbirth comes with very excruciating pain, these medical conditions are actually more painful than childbirth. Read on!

Trigeminal Neuralgia

This trigeminal disorder affects the trigeminal nerve and is considered one of the most painful medical conditions. This disease is also called suicide disease because of its painful and unbearable condition.

Sickle Cell Anemia

This genetic condition can cause intense pain anywhere because it affects the body at the cellular level. Sickle cell diseases cause Red Blood Cells to be concave or convex in shape rather than being circular or disc-shaped.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa

This is a skin disease that occurs mostly in the sensitive part of the body. It comes with very intense pain but is fairly common and occur in 1 in 4 people.


This is a similar disease to chicken pox although more severe. It comes out in shingles that cause rashes that can last for weeks or month


Affecting between 6 to 10% women, endometriosis causes the cell found in the womb to appear elsewhere in the body. This tends to manifest an almost unimaginable pain.


This is a joint disease that causes intense pain in the affected region. This is mostly called the rich men diseases since it is more common among rich men.

Penile Fracture

This is a penile disease caused when the penis is fractured and usually occur during intercourse. It is mostly caused by blood trauma which leads to disorder in the penile when being aroused.

Tooth Abscess

Tooth decay isn’t rare and may be painful but is nothing comparable to abscess. In very rare cases this infection spreads to the hearth when not treated as early as possible.

Kidney Stones

This is caused by calcium chloride in the kidney. It can become large and form a blockage in the kidney organ, thereby causing immeasurable pain, especially for urine passage.

There you have it!

You can watch the YouTube video above for more detailed information about these medical conditions! We wish that we all remain in good health! Have a nice weekend ahead!

Written by Charles Jason

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