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Man Creates a Pur-Fect Pad for Rescue Cats

Rescue Cats - Remodel Home

Remodeling for a Happy Feline

Once obtaining plans for the remodel of this home, Cohen began building and constructing unique tunnels and catwalks for his rescue cats. Being a skilled artist, Cohen was able to construct perfect walkways that allows the kitties to walk, crawl, jump and clime throughout the entire house. One of the most unique elements of Cohen’s home is the floor-to-ceiling spiral walkway that wraps around a scratching post. The other walkways were even designed to connect to 24 large litter boxes, which are hidden in air-circulating closets and the garage. He designed the house in a way that smell would not be detected, and he claims there is no smell of cats or cat odor.

What do you think?

Written by Amanda Meade


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