What’s happening here? Why are the facts not changing our minds? And why would anyone still believe in a false or inaccurate idea? How do we serve such behaviors?
In order to survive, human beings need a reasonably accurate view of the world. If your role template is radically different from the real world, then you are struggling every day to take effective action.
However, the only things that matter to the human mind were not truth and accuracy. It also seems that humans have a deep desire to belong.
As published in Atomic Habits, “Humans are animals of the herd. We would like to fit in, bond with others, and gain our peers ‘ respect and approval. Such tendencies are vital to our survival.
It is important to understand the reality of a case, but so is the remaining part of a tribe. While these two impulses sometimes fit together well, they often clash with each other.
Social connection is in fact more useful to your daily life in many circumstances than understanding the truth of a particular fact or idea.
People are accepted or rejected in accordance with their values, so one role of the mind may be to hold beliefs that add to the believer the greatest number of allies, protectors, or followers, rather than beliefs that are most likely to be true. We think things sometimes because they make us look good to the people we care for.
In a social sense, false beliefs can be useful even if they are not in fact helpful. We could call this approach “actually false, but socially accurate,” for lack of a better phrase. When we have to choose between the two, people often choose friends and family over facts.
Facts don’t shift our minds, friendship does –
In reality, convincing someone to change their mind is the equivalent of persuading them to change their tribe. We run the risk of losing social ties if we abandon their convictions. If you also take their family back, you can’t expect anyone to change their minds.
The brilliant Japanese writer Haruki Murakami once wrote, “Remember always that arguing and winning is breaking down the reality of the person you argue against. It’s painful to lose your reality, so be kind, even if you’re right. “When we’re right now, we can easily forget that the goal is to get in touch with the other side, to work with them.
The word “loving” comes from the word “Kin.” If you’re kind to others, which means you’re treating them as a friend. This, I think, is a good way to change the mind of somebody. Creating a relationship. Share a meal with you or perhaps a book gift.