Hand-Stitched Road Map
Everyone has taken a trip they want to always remember. Whether you went on the trip with them or not, a hand-stitched road map is the perfect gift to take a trip down memory lane. What you’ll need for this personalized gift is a road map of where the tip was taken, a frame of choice, an embroidery needle and thread. You can always find a map on Google to help enlarge the exact traveling destination. Once you have the map, cut it to fit the frame you chose. You will then use the embroidery needle to place small holes in the map along the route you took. You will them simply sew along the path using a backstitch, which is where the thread needle comes from the back of the map from one hole to another. The map can easily be customized to your liking by putting a large red X on the destination traveled or even a picture from the trip. The possibilities are endless.