DIY Concrete Walkway
Making a concrete walkway is quite challenging for some but it is a nice addition to our homes’ architecture. And guess what, it is pretty easy to make!
How to create a DIY Concrete walkway
The first thing you will need is QUICKRETE 5000 as your concrete mix. You will start by shoveling away the moist soil and if the ground is not even enough, you can dig a little bit to level it up. Then pour down a layer of 3-inch gravel on the ground and then use a hoe to pack it down.
The walkway mold is about 2 feet by 2 feet but the design is done in a clever way that you can turn it any way you want. You can then use QUICKRETE 5000 (after being mixed with water) to fill the mold, the fun part is that the walkway is designed to take a single pack of QUICKRETE 5000 so you can plan out your project accordingly. One pack of concrete mix equals one fill up of the mold. Make sure you push and smoothen the concrete in the mold before removing the mold. Properly mixed concrete will hold the qualm right away. You can use the tramp to scrap over some of the extra so the concrete will be exactly the same size as the mold.
Mixing a bag of concrete by hand is a pretty strenuous work but what is good about the system is that you can make one merge work of a walkway at a time. So in a couple of hours on a weekend, you can practice on a couple of sessions. You can make the surface smooth or just leave it rough like that. You can even roughen the edges a little bit. You can sprinkle water on the concrete to prevent cracking.
You can use this system not only for making a walkway but also a whole podium. You can check out this YouTube video on DIY concrete walkway for more practical sessions
DIY concrete walkway
you can now walk without being messed up with this DIY Walkway