
10 Amazing, Rare Dog Breeds You Didn’t Know Existed

Rare Dog Breed- Caucasian OvcharkaCaucasian Ovcharka

The Caucasian Ovcharka is an ancient breed with ancestors from nearly 2,000 years ago. The breed had a slow start due to the females only being able to give birth once a year. The Caucasian Ovcharka breed is very similar to the shepherd and mastiff with shaggy fur and protective and predatory nature. They live their best life when guarding livestock, but they are perfect companions and show dogs. Being a guard dog, this breed tends to get yappy when strangers are around, or they are in unfamiliar territory. When breed characteristics are examined, these pups rank high for adaptability and affection, but they top the charts for being territorial.

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Written by Amanda Meade


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